Edge1 Outdoor Media Management Software package is a booking, billing, job control and
management solution specifically designed for companies that are involved in
indoor and Out-of-Home advertising. Edge1 can also be used by transit
advertising (taxis, buses, trams) and street furniture companies. Edge1 does a
bit more than just manage sites, bookings and availability, however Edge1
manages everything from the landlordagreements and payments through to client (agency/direct) contracts, invoicing,sales forecasts and analysis, installation and production control, Googlemapping, reports and much more.
Organization is needed
in order to avert the havoc of disorganization. It may be briefly illustrated as follows: A short sentence is disorganized like this, riirggnagesnoiztlsuse. In this form it is
nonsense. If we reorganize it substantially, it will look like this:
Organizinggetsresults Now it is workable, but difficult. By a slight change, it reads: Organizing gets results. Hence organization becomes important for management by results – for accomplishing our goals. To make your Outdoor Advertising business organized we would like to introduce you to
First Full Fledged Outdoor Advertising software
for Outdoor Media Vendors and Agencies Edge1 Outdoor Media Management Software. Edge1 Software is uniquely designed to
take care of the entire functionality of Outdoor Advertising Industry rite from
Landlord Management, Buying, Sales, Campaign Management, Operations, Image Monitoring, Accounts, Reporting and much more.